Toys R Us i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandToys R Us



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Leipziger Platz 12 EKZ Leipziegr Platz Quartier, 10117 Berlin, Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 20603890
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5108604, Longitude: 13.3829374

kommentar 5

  • DJ Volkan

    DJ Volkan


    Cool store cool toys cool staff

  • Boris M

    Boris M


    Offer of toys and other products for children are exceptional and cover whole range of toys for babies and after that for bigger childs.... 🐸🐉🐔🐵🎁🎃🎉

  • Patty Adi Noah Mueller

    Patty Adi Noah Mueller


    Good prices but 3mployees don't want to help, don't want to explain, don't want to work !+ The woman who is the responsible to explain the pushing cars ( Kinderwagen) was SO impolite !+ She wants her salary but not explaining us the products

  • Phornphirat Deephan

    Phornphirat Deephan


    unfriendly staff i just want to ask something about buggy the woman in store just told me her english is not good ask the other so i ask other staff about buggy my english is not good too but i cannot speak german she just said neie i think it mean noooo no eyes contact very disappiont i will not return to toy r us good bye

  • Rob Cursons

    Rob Cursons


    A big store, loads in stock and immaculately clean inside the amazing shopping mall, walk around the maze of toys, computer games and an impressive display of rare and unusual Haribo and other candy and sweets that are hard to find in the UK.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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