Punta Velo GmbH Store Berlin - BULLITT Cargobikes von Larry vs Harry, chike und muli Cargobikes i Berlin

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TysklandPunta Velo GmbH Store Berlin - BULLITT Cargobikes von Larry vs Harry, chike und muli Cargobikes



🕗 åbningstider

90 - 91, Lindenstraße, 10969, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 174 1974654
internet side: www.larryvsharry.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5025191, Longitude: 13.3941226

kommentar 5

  • Stephan Pfeiler

    Stephan Pfeiler


    Super nice, helpful, interested. Great shop.

  • Benny Lackner

    Benny Lackner


    Best service ever. Every time I have a problem it is solved in a few minutes. The lady who manages the shop is very competent and takes time for customers every time. Great advice and fastest help. I can only recommend it.

  • Markus Förster

    Markus Förster


    Very helpful and nice employees. It's a cargo bike shop. With the help of the team we were able to finish our tour through Berlin by bike! A cut across the tire would almost have been the end! My wife and I thank you very much! Help when you need it, even when you're on “normal” bikes. In addition to help, there is a nice shop and interesting cargo bikes with a wide range of uses. Keep it up. We visit and recommend you to others. Hopefully without a serious breakdown!

  • Peter Strobel

    Peter Strobel


    Advice in the store good and detailed. An extensive test drive then completely convinced me. There was a thorough briefing when the Bullitt was picked up. I have now been to the first inspection, a few small parts were not in stock, I was still helped unbureaucratically. Thanks for that and see you next time. Greetings Peter

  • Jörg Schopmans

    Jörg Schopmans


    You are in very good hands here if you are interested in a cargo bike. We bought our Chike here and are very satisfied with the advice and service.

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