Decathlon i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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5, Rathausstraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 419589710
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Latitude: 52.5196293, Longitude: 13.4107977

kommentar 5

  • Madel Mann

    Madel Mann


    This Place is so huge you can test ride their bikes inside, and people do. I had to buy ping pong paddles, and they had a table with all the paddle so u could test them out and play a game. Incredible. I have never seen a larger selection of sports goods in my life.

  • Mike Johnson

    Mike Johnson


    One of the largest Decathlon I've seen in my life, which is even more surprising when you consider it couldn't be more central.

  • Wassim Marouf

    Wassim Marouf


    It gaves you a great options, I bought personally many of thos staff. in every section there is a top list or first choice product, you should find it , beacsue may not be in great shape.

  • Payel Sinha Babu

    Payel Sinha Babu


    My favorite sport shop. The one in Rathaustrasse is a massive store with endless collection for every sport's necessities. Love their behavior and the collections as well. The price start from .99 to 500 euro or more.

  • en

    Henri Koci


    Honestly I have never seen such a massive sports shop until this day. There is a range of sports equipment for any sport you can think of. The size of the shop is like a football pitch with a never ending collection. The staff were very kind and helpful and understood English as well with no problem. Thumbs up 👍

nærmeste Cykel butik

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