Steel Vintage Bikes Café i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandSteel Vintage Bikes Café



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91, Wilhelmstraße, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 20623877
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Latitude: 52.5127147, Longitude: 13.3822253

kommentar 5

  • Francisco Solis

    Francisco Solis


    Bacon from heaven!! The pancakes were delicious, the drinks were OK, but the bacon is AMAZING. It's the best bacon you will ever taste. The French waitress is the coolest.

  • Carl Clancy

    Carl Clancy


    I called in with a puncture, and although they were too busy to fix it for me, they gave me all the tools and advice I needed. Everyone I dealt with was patient and helpful. Highly recommended!

  • Alan Donegan

    Alan Donegan


    The food here is amazing, the portions great and the staff super friendly. We love sitting outside for hours and drinking coffee! Wonderful spot near the crazy centre!

  • Craig Keith

    Craig Keith


    Excellent breakfast brought my family and I back again on our short trip to Berlin. Pancakes were top, the eggs/beans/bacon dish was great too. Drinks were great too. Very friendly service.

  • Henry



    First off, we completely understand that birds are kinda hard to plan for or predict when they're going to let loose all over the tables. But even in a time of covid with that sweet sweet disinfectant nearby, you couldn't just clean our table before I accidentally got bird blessing all over my arm. We moved another table outside, also had been recently blessed. Lastly, moved inside where the blessing was from a past customer with breadcrumbs & fragments of the their meal. Clearly not following COVID guidelines, industrial strength sanitizer was about but seldom used. The meal was average, I could teach my 5 year old niece to make a better mushroom on toast and she'd be amazed by how much chocolate she could buy for 9.70. They didn't have orange juice, must have been a global shortage or the piegons have drank it all. Clearly, the owners aren't around & have failed to instill a culture of what it means to run a good cafe. I don't blame the staff in the slightest, poorly paid with a complete lack of oversight in order to keep costs down, they're doing the best with what they have. Clean your damn tables.

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