Take A Bike i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandTake A Bike



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Neustädtische Kirchstraße 8 am Bahnhof Friedrichstr, 10117 Berlin, Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 20654730
internet side: www.takeabike.de
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Latitude: 52.5194237, Longitude: 13.3855602

kommentar 5

  • Ekaterine Kobaladze

    Ekaterine Kobaladze


    A lovely bike shop. Easy and fast service. Helpful stuff that spoke both German and English.

  • Marc Torras

    Marc Torras


    A lot of bikes, quite new and very comfortable. They have basic bike (3 gears), better bike (7 gears, better seat) and ebikes. We took the 7 gear for 14 euro full day + 2 euro theft insurance (optional, the look is very good, no need to take it). We biked more than 20km (around Berlin and tempelhof). Highly recommended

  • Alex Pantelios

    Alex Pantelios


    Very helpful personnel. Good quality bikes.

  • Jordan Link

    Jordan Link


    Big time fiver. All of the bikes looked very clean and well taken care of. Offerings include options in sizes from small to extra large as well as any accessory you could think of The initial reason we went was because the prices were less expensive than every other shop we looked at and the bikes were MUCH better quality than any other we rented previously on our trip

  • Marie Panetier Jiménez

    Marie Panetier Jiménez


    We rented a couple of bikes for 4 hours. It costed us 8 euros per bike which I think is fair price. The bikes were in perfect condition. Totally recommend that place.

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