Standert Bicycles i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandStandert Bicycles



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23a, Friedrichstraße, 10969, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 84519228
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Latitude: 52.5033743, Longitude: 13.3923023

kommentar 5

  • Alexander Zenk

    Alexander Zenk


    I bought the Kreissäge 2nd Cut Disc in Black Charcoal! The bike isn‘t what I expected it to be! It‘s even better! It‘s fast and feels responsive, but is also unbelievable smooth and comfortable (for longer rides)... Being experienced with different roadbikes and testing all kinds of materials (also carbon high-end) I in the last years I can truly say that perfomance-wise this Kreissäge beats them all by far! It‘s so well balanced! And most important! It‘s builded up so well! Never bought a bike before that was really ready to ride, but from the first moment this Kreissäge really rolls smoothly and the Disc brakes and gear shift works perfectly...that's real professional work and I really appreciate that. Service was nice too - even in Corona/Lockdown times! Just told them via E-Mail what I would like to order, also send them my bike-fitting-results...then had a nice and constructive e-mail-chat with Tom about the stem length and so on...and after nearly a week later I could pick up this awesome Kreissäge at the store! Standert says:„Wir bauen die besten Räder, die wir bauen können.“ I say: „True Story!“ Thank you, Standert! PS: And not to forget...what a beauty this bike is...modern-aggressive and elegant-timeless at the same time...

  • Verena Scola

    Verena Scola


    Cool bike shop, friendly staff and nice bikes indeed! including gravel bike as well!

  • Bengü Şencan

    Bengü Şencan


    very attracting steel road bikes! and also good coffee coming from a rocket espresso machine combined with great cappuccino skills of Tom!

  • Sam



    I've owned over 35 bikes in the past 10 years and this is by far the worst bike purchase experience I've ever had. I wish I was writing a review about the bike itself, however I have to waste my time writing this feedback as I've been waiting 8 weeks and my frame still has not arrived. I have sent multiple emails to Standert requesting they escalate with DHL and provide me updates, however I am still waiting for a reply 3 weeks later after sending 2 more unanswered emails. I have made other purchases from Germany (Bike24) within this time frame and those orders arrived 2 weeks ago (also DHL) Is this how you treat all your customers who spend $2000 on a new frame??? Your website, your bikes, your marketing all looks good and it sold me. But your aftersales support and customer service is abysmal. Maybe I'll finally get an email from them after writing this? I won't hold my breath.

  • Sebastian Palm

    Sebastian Palm


    The first time they were really nice. Eventhough they were closing the shop they attend us really nice make us a nice offer and everything. The second time totally disapointed. The guy almost didnt even listen to me even though I wanted to buy a very expensive bike. I asked for some information about the bike he never sent it to me. Instead of chating with a costumer he prefered to be on whatsapp on his computer.

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