Steel Vintage Bikes Café i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandSteel Vintage Bikes Café



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91, Auguststraße, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 20623877
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Latitude: 52.5259595, Longitude: 13.3904169

kommentar 5

  • A B

    A B


    Probably one of the brunch spots I miss the most now during lockdown. The pancakes are 10/10! Also love the atmosphere of the place with all the great looking vintage bikes around :) Last but not least: great service and super friendly staff! 🧡

  • Wumi Olukoya

    Wumi Olukoya


    It’s all about the vibes for me here. And the food is just wow. I was pleasantly surprised at the portions, I think I got a whole avocado in my egg and bacon sandwich 🤩🤩 And it tasted amazing too.

  • Jérémy Quentin

    Jérémy Quentin


    Tofu sandwich was delicious. Wait staff was nice.

  • Lia Volpatti

    Lia Volpatti


    Best cheese cake in town! Cozy atmosphere and the staff is very friendly and welcoming. I will definitely to come back for dinner to try their pizza. It looked delicious!

  • Tünde van Hoek

    Tünde van Hoek


    Highly recommended! The food is SO good (especially the caramel pancakes with banana!), and the staff is incredibly friendly and very flexible. The coffee is good aswell. We were here on a Saturday with a group of over 12 people for brunch, and both the vegans and non-vegans had plenty of options to choose from. The waiting times were very short, but honestly, knowing how good the food is, I wouldn’t have minded waiting a bit.

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