Internetstores Gmbh i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandInternetstores Gmbh



🕗 åbningstider

66, Oranienburger Straße, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 711 93305555
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5250246, Longitude: 13.391681

kommentar 4

  • M. E.

    M. E.


    I ordered a bike here via Otto on February 3rd and paid in advance the next day. Bike was supposedly prepared for dispatch on February 5th (tracking number available) but has not yet been brought to the post office. My suspicion: The dealer increased the price of the same bike by 140 € two days later (previously available for 330 € both on their websites and from Otto) and will probably speculate that I will cancel the item or pay the 140 € later. At least I can't explain why four days have passed and the article is still not on its way and, according to Otto, will not be there for a long time! You puke, you are ashamed of this brazen kidding on the customer, should my suspicions be confirmed or if there is still no reaction from you, I'll be with the lawyer next week, I swear that to God. NOT WITH ME!!!

  • Mohamed Abdi

    Mohamed Abdi


  • black sheep

    black sheep


    Careful when buying here !!!! The bought children's bike broke after a few km. Telephone support is not available due to this. Even after three weeks of unsuccessful contact attempts, no response from the seller, despite countless emails. Now email contact is no longer possible. Emails will no longer be delivered!

  • Timm Knuth

    Timm Knuth


    I bought a bike on the internet 6 weeks ago. No or 0 telephone service. Bicycle came after a good 14 days with a scratch on the frame. So far everything understandable. When I tested the circuit, it was completely wrong, of course I readjusted myself without a message. When I reported the scratch, only by email, I was offered a discount that I accepted. And then my problems started. I had to email this compensation of € 50 for 4 weeks afterwards. Always the same standard answer: we sent the money via Paypal. Paypal is done in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately, I never received a booking. I always wrote in, please call me ... nothing except the standard 3/4 days. In the end I did research and ended up at Internetstore. Again, only the same standard ... the money was allocated 3 weeks ago. When I wrote the 6th email in the subject line: DISAPPOINTMENT and threatened the PayPal insurance, a decision came and the repayment was actually instructed. I have become so disappointed with the process, I can hardly put Knuth's words. Except that I never know / internetstore again. Too bad !!!

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