U Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz i Berlin

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TysklandU Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz


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Mitte, 10178 Berlin, Germany
kontakter telefon: +49
internet side: bvg.de
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Latitude: 52.5278632, Longitude: 13.410397

kommentar 5

  • GuD StoL

    GuD StoL


    I like this one, nice yellow one..great spot infront most culture place in Berlin so worth visit..on other end is restaurants out..buy tickets, phuck kontrol men! ;)

  • ayush rai

    ayush rai


    An alternative and graffiti place, you will find two museums, some beautiful cafes and also, a lot of graffiti!

  • Owen John

    Owen John


    U Rosa-Luxemburg Platz is a great efficient method of transport. The trains are fast and prompt obviously depending on what time of the day varies the busyness of the train. But as a whole it’s been quiet for me. Always make sure you pay for the Train and Tram lots of my friends got fined 60 euro for not paying! Also even in some cases not validating or being a few minutes out of validation. JUST MAKE SURE YOU BUY A TICKET. It’s not worth the risk! Really simple clean platform and literally one stop to Alexandra-Platz (U2 Ruhleben (Berlin) then you can literally get anywhere from Alexandra Platz it’s so convenient. The ticket machine has an English option and is so easy to use and cheap. Tickets are pennies, compared to the fine! Usually there are ticket patrollers if you need to get any information or query where you're going, although the maps are very simple and don’t take long to get used to. If you’re staying at St Christopher's Berlin, you get off of this stop and walk right or left depending on which side you get out of, and it is in front of you. SOO SIMPLE! Food and drink machines are also available in the centre of the station which is a great convenience.

  • Han Dir

    Han Dir


    Any place of Berlin has his own history, sometimes the real history is so overwhelmed and full of true or false legends, so you need to study the history on different ways. The Rosa-Luxemburg-place is like this: the former and current house of the Communist party is still overthere, but also there is one of the craziest theater company of the city has their big house overthere. And it's just a good footwalk or 5min by Metro far from the Alexanderplatz. Around the place there are a lot of good hipster restaurants, but be aware of too much people walking overthere just for shopping in all the famous hidden pop-up stores for shoes and fashion.

  • James Prewitt

    James Prewitt


    A good U-Bahn stop

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