Berlin Central Station i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandBerlin Central Station


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1, Europaplatz, 10557, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 2971055
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5250839, Longitude: 13.369402

kommentar 5

  • Barnaby Nash

    Barnaby Nash


    I have been to train stations all over the world and this place for me sets the gold standard. The wayfinding, even for English travellers is first rate. The gentleman who helped me in the ticket area spoke perfect English and was extremely helpful in assisting me to book the ticket for the next leg of my trip. I could not speak more highly of this train station or the people who operate it

  • Thomas Heng

    Thomas Heng


    Most convenient and well designed station of all Germany. Access everywhere easily. Open till late. Lots of food shops for easy meals. Safe.

  • Jacky Lim

    Jacky Lim


    The train station of Berlin location is centralized, with train, tram and bus connecting to many tourist attractions. The train station is busy and there are many shops, eatery and supermarket there that is also open even in the weekend. Train arrived on time as well, the train station is maintain in good condition, toilet have to pay 1 euro to access though.

  • Kay Ong

    Kay Ong


    I really enjoyed my first steps coming out the train to this beautiful interior. The refreshing view and very clean environment was a beautiful topping to it! I loved every bit of this place. The stores are a nice, but nothing special as it is a train station. I did enjoy the bakery that was there, some others may find it just a normal place, but coming from looking at NYC stations all day, this was a treat! I decided to work to my hotel and enjoyed the outer areas, though I didn't take any pictures it. As a tourist it is fun to see, as a local, it would be just another day.

  • KTMax



    Main station having everything you would need

nærmeste Transit station

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