U Schillingstr. i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandU Schillingstr.


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10178 Berlin, Germany
kontakter telefon: +49
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Latitude: 52.5208284, Longitude: 13.421024

kommentar 5

  • Mikey T

    Mikey T


    The Schillingstrasse u bahn station is the last stop before arriving at Alexanderplatz when taking the U 5 - or the first stop if you get in at the Alexanderplatz. The station is well kept. It is clean and there is no damage. It is not busy at all. Since it is so close to Alexanderplatz, not a lot of people get in or out at this station. There is an elevator in the.middle of the platform that brings you to the Karl Marx Allee. The orange tiles give it a very '70s' look and feel. :-)

  • Martin



    Great underground station with nice pictures from old times. Unfortunately, the drunken people often disturb in the evening. It is partly consumed openly here.

  • Munna Shaikh

    Munna Shaikh


    Just beautiful

  • Marlon



    Nice subway station, pretty clean, interesting pictures on the walls and the trains often arrive on time.

  • Winfried Kölbel

    Winfried Kölbel


    It's a green street, two Children's playgrounds, relatively moderate traffic and with discounter net a (still) very cheap shopping opportunity. There are underground stations (lines 5 and 8) at both ends of Schillingstrasse.

nærmeste Transit station

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