U - Bhf Märkisches Museum i Berlin

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TysklandU - Bhf Märkisches Museum


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10179 Berlin, Germany
kontakter telefon: +49
internet side: www.bvg.de
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Latitude: 52.5126667, Longitude: 13.4111699

kommentar 5

  • JeftE GuimaraeS

    JeftE GuimaraeS


    Uma uma estação limpa e organizada. Possui elevador para pessoas com necessidades especiais. Possui letreiros com os horários dos próximos u-ban. Nas paredes são contadas as histórias de Berlim em forma de mosáicos.

  • Jan M.

    Jan M.


    Nice quiet subway station in a very good location. Signage could be even better.

  • Bernhard Kußmagk

    Bernhard Kußmagk


    The underground station Märkisches Museum on the underground line U2 is a beautiful and at the western end slightly curved subway station with the opening year 1913, which has a high arch arch and thus achieved a generous spatial effect. Until 1935, the underground station was called Inselbrücke. Only two Berlin subway stations have no central supports, one is Märkisches Museum, the other is Platz der Luftbrücke on the U6 subway line. The two entrances to the entrance portals, which are located in the middle position of Wallstraße on traffic islands, have not been preserved in their original condition, but are modeled on the historical models. The underground station has been accessible to people with limited mobility since the installation of a lift several years ago.

  • James Prewitt

    James Prewitt


    Anice U Bahn stop

  • Erik Lernskog

    Erik Lernskog


    Nothing special

nærmeste Transit station

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