Tiny's Pizza Pop-Up i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandTiny's Pizza Pop-Up


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183, Torstraße, 10115, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 27979844
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Latitude: 52.5285687, Longitude: 13.3933043

kommentar 5

  • Maria Milou

    Maria Milou


    One of the best pizzas I've ever eaten! The topping was incredibly tasty, optimally seasoned and of good quality! I particularly liked the “Pecorino” cheese. The dough was crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Highly recommended :)

  • Simon Daniel Kaiser

    Simon Daniel Kaiser


    The best of the best. A gem in Mitte. 💎

  • Ken Braz

    Ken Braz


    If you like napolitanean style pizza, this is definitely a must have! Been a couple of times to their other pop-ups and had some for take-away as well - they all tasted so yummy! Always a great experience and taste sensation. 😍

  • Robert Schneider

    Robert Schneider


    Great pizza 🍕, nice people running it. Will visit again.

  • Harry Ritchie

    Harry Ritchie


    Perfect, just perfect. Owners are full of life. If you’re looking for a real slice, Tinys is a must. I’ve had pizza all over Europe, US and Australia, this is definitely on my “unforgettable” list.

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