Amran Restaurant i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandAmran Restaurant



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21, Metzer Straße, 10405, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 41209845
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Latitude: 52.5305831, Longitude: 13.4184143

kommentar 5

  • Olya Lyubchenko

    Olya Lyubchenko


    Terrible good. Edible, but no taste. Soupy flavourless sauce with the "vegetable" balls that are, actually, consist of starch and taste like jelly with a few tiny unidentifiable bits of, probably, vegetables. Chicken pakora had hardly any batter or flavour. I'm aware that it is difficult to find good Indian food in Berlin, but this is a joke

  • Ahmad Ali Saeed

    Ahmad Ali Saeed


    Worst Pakistani food I have ever tasted in berlin. There are no hygiene standards.

  • Waleed Butt

    Waleed Butt


    Generally the food quality and quantity is good, but recently when i visited the quality of Naan wasn't good. I hope they improve it in the future as this is one of my favorite places to eat.

  • Aamir Qureshi

    Aamir Qureshi


    Best taste , very good staff

  • Salman Fariz

    Salman Fariz


    Rating one star because I can't rate this any lower. Absolutely horrible food. Can't explain in words. Their chicken doesn't even taste like actual chicken . It's some rubbery material. You get this rubbery stuff dipped in food colour with half cooked veggies ...... Absolutely inedible. Ordered via lieferando .. the delivery was completed on time and the packing was good. Two good things.

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