HelloFresh i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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37A, Saarbrücker Straße, 10405, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 56839568
internet side: www.hellofresh.de
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Latitude: 52.5287464, Longitude: 13.415858

kommentar 5

  • Michael Frick

    Michael Frick


    The products are pretty good and easy to make. I love it!

  • Ekaterina Khrushch

    Ekaterina Khrushch


    Missed a week to cancel and got charged for a box full of meat, which we don’t eat. No notifications beforehand to check on the next week box or anything. No chance to cancel the box or change the meals. What am I supposed to do now?! The meals are either full of fat and tasty or more or less healthy but not tasty at all. Can’t there be a balance there?!

  • Jeanette Mercer

    Jeanette Mercer


    cancelled my account and paused everything. on Christmas morning charged for a box I did not want. been trying for days over the holidays to contact someone. trying to get a hold of anyone is hard. when I did was wold it was my fault and I should've tried harder. no one else ever had these problems they said. won't refund me, won't help even with proof that I tried to contact them and stop the box and refund. no its my fault and my problem. I won't use Hellofresh again and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

  • Greg Hamill

    Greg Hamill


    Great product and an amazing company to work for! It took me two meals to get the process of preparing them, but now I’m sold. It’s super efficient, delicious and fun! As an employee, I feel supported and everyone wants me to succeed. I’m pumped to see what the next year holds!

  • Jay Katz

    Jay Katz


    FRAUD ALERT hellofresh.com confirmed cancellation 2x yet they are still scheduled to deliver. They refuse to remove my credit card or personal information from their system.

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