i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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70, Oranienburger Straße, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 54445996
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Latitude: 52.5247397, Longitude: 13.3931586

kommentar 5

  • Karan Sharma

    Karan Sharma


    Terrible customer service.

  • nhase2206



    Horribly slow customer service, ugly UI app. Poor quality restaurants. So happy Wolt delivers now in Mitte and Prenzlberg now. Use discount code PSRHV for your fist delivery

  • Piotr Nowojski

    Piotr Nowojski


    Ordering food works, but the web UI is terrible. Why can not I stay logged in? Why do I have to login every single time? Now with two factor authentication... why the interface can not remember my language settings? And many many others... I've stopped using my account because of those annoying things. Besides that, restaurant reviews are worthless. Everything is ~4.5, while the same restaurants on google maps have reviews ranging from 3 to 5.

  • Arnaud Meyer

    Arnaud Meyer


    The app is incredibly buggy, the customer service is available only via email. Hopefully there will be an alternative to lieferando in the future.

  • Gunay Kazimzade

    Gunay Kazimzade


    Very unprofessional customer service. Have ordered a food and received no email notification and for around 2 hours was trying to understand where is the food. A person in the line was very unprofessional and every 15 mins was telling that is it on its way and will arrive in 5 mins. I had to leave home and could not wait. Will not use it again.

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