Swapfiets Berlin Hackescher Markt i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandSwapfiets Berlin Hackescher Markt



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10, Große Präsidentenstraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49
internet side: swapfiets.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5233041, Longitude: 13.4014757

kommentar 5

  • Ngoc Yen Nguyen

    Ngoc Yen Nguyen


    While it was very busy, the girl that attended me was very helpful and patient and the bike is also comfortable to ride. Can recommend.

  • Алексей Уткин

    Алексей Уткин


    Hi! This bike is so comfortable! And very friendly young man from Canada. I will recommend to everyone Thank you so much!

  • Marina Álvaro Castejón

    Marina Álvaro Castejón


    The person who brought my bike was the nicest person on earth, helped me a lot and had so much patience!

  • Karl Klee

    Karl Klee


    My first bike was solid and good, the service was friendly and fast. Then the gear crashed and they exchanged the bike. My second bike was badly ajusted. The handlebar and seat were crooced, the hand brake was totally lax and the bell was not working (on both bikes the first and the second).

  • Hannah Tushman

    Hannah Tushman


    WOW. This place is HORRENDOUS. I've never had worse customer service in my life. My bike has broken four times in the last two months. Not only that, but if your bike breaks, they don't even answer in a timely manner to get your bike fixed for you. Leaving you completely stranded. To make matters worse, after the bike breaks down in the middle of nowhere you must schedule a time where you can meet someone to fix it. This can take days. To make matters even worse, they don't replace or fix your bike unless you are present so you have to go all the way back to where your bike broke down and wait for them to fix or replace. I don't recommend this to anyone as it is a horrible horrible service. The name it it of itself doesn't even make sense and the false advertisement is atrocious. I can't even count the days that have been ruined due to this service. Regarding your reply: I already spoke with customer service and wrote this review after. No one found a solution to my problem. Also beware ladies and gents they trick you into remaining a member by not allowing you to cancel without a month warning.

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