8bar bikes - showroom i Berlin

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Tyskland8bar bikes - showroom



🕗 åbningstider

100, Köpenicker Straße, 10179, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 20954518
internet side: 8bar-bikes.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5109722, Longitude: 13.4156006

kommentar 5

  • Thomas Deurieu

    Thomas Deurieu


    One of the greatest Bike shop !! Great brand and awesome products, customer service kind and very efficient... Still a pleasure to deal with 8bar team !! Long life and thanks again to the 8Bar team !!

  • Benet Dörr

    Benet Dörr


    this might just be the best bike brand that you can find in berlin. or even anywhere. just bought the new fhain v3!

  • Lukáš Rychtecký

    Lukáš Rychtecký


    Very friendly staff, also quick delivery when ordering online.

  • Mark Turner

    Mark Turner


    Beautiful store and super friendly staff. They were very knowledgeable and was able to walk me through all of their different bike.

  • Patrick Galster

    Patrick Galster


    Great online shopping experience, super fast delivery - although they inform you upfront, it might take a while. But you can be sure they will do their best to send out your swag as fast as possible! The Aevor bike back I ordered seems to be a good bag for daily riding, although some bits are slightly confusing, hopefully it will all make sense after a few more days of using it. The mesh on the back does a great job and keeps you from sweating. And the outer material is made of used PET bottles, which is great!

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