Wohnmobilkurzreiseplatz Werder i Werder (Havel)

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TysklandWohnmobilkurzreiseplatz Werder



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1, Unter den Linden, 14542, Werder (Havel), DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3327 40855
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Latitude: 52.3781599, Longitude: 12.9368664

kommentar 5

  • Hans-Martin Strycker

    Hans-Martin Strycker


    The location is great, but the space is only a parking lot with electricity. There is absolutely nothing else. The machine at the entrance wants € 19, electricity extra. A lot of money for a few square meters of sandy soil.

  • Leonard Villinger

    Leonard Villinger


    Expensive, one rubbish bin, unfriendly team – the guy just walked off instead of answering questions – and is right next to a cobbled road so you hear cars all night. Werder is beautiful and was great to see when visiting Berlin anyway, but I would find another place for your bus.

  • nico obermeit

    nico obermeit


    Werder is an incredibly beautiful city, but I think it's a bottomless cheek to rip off tourists like that. Yes, we parked the wrong way there is also a fine, but to charge more than 45 € is clearly too much. Especially since we paid for the parking space anyway. The city administration should go to court with the operator. In the long run, it does more harm to a city than it does.

  • Marko Dieckmann

    Marko Dieckmann


    Warning: Rip off cars for "wrong parking". There is a parking machine on the square with only one option: a day ticket for € 8.50. A week later I received a payment request for wrong parking for 45.90 €. The paid € 8.50 will not be taken into account. A mark that only campers are allowed to stand here was not visible to us, hundreds of other cars were there next to us. Rip off!

  • daveangel007



    Attention! Located right next to the car parking lot and the reference to mobile homes is not particularly large. Parked on it for 1 hour (with the car) and even paid at the machine, then still incurs an extra fine of € 45.90. If someone doesn't try to take the punishment.

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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