Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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19, Alte Hamburger, 14641, Nauen, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.62848, Longitude: 12.7546274

kommentar 3

  • Stephan Ha

    Stephan Ha


    Parking on the outskirts. Paved place without electricity and V / E. For one night completely ok but also very lonely. Stood there alone.

  • Julian



    Ideal to visit Ribbeck. No V + E and no electricity column available. Who can stand self-sufficient, has no problem here. There is officially only one place where there are two parking spaces. On the designated pitch really only fits a mobile. If you approach the second parking lot, you will find next to the sanitary building a parking lot, which is at least 7.5 meters long. Here we stayed overnight, as we were in the washhouse the following day. Lighting at night is great and you can stroll away from the hustle and bustle abenda through the area. Alternatively, both car parks and bus parking spaces are available. But you should be careful here so that there are no knots. 😉 Both parking spaces can be used free of charge. Telecom = E Vodafone = LTE

  • Alfons Dőrken

    Alfons Dőrken


    Nice place to visit Ribbeck!

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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