Privat 4x Wohnmobilstellplatz Hoppegarten Hönow U5 Berlin - Alexanderplatz i Hoppegarten

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TysklandPrivat 4x Wohnmobilstellplatz Hoppegarten Hönow U5 Berlin - Alexanderplatz


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2, Schwarzer Weg, 15366, Hoppegarten, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3342 3099348
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5565254, Longitude: 13.6485412

kommentar 5

  • Inge Hoffmann

    Inge Hoffmann


    Very surprised, very clean and just beautiful. Landlord family super nice. Also suitable for large mobile homes ... ❤🙏❤. We recommend...

  • Yannis



    very nice parking space with easy access to public transport. it took us about 15-20 minutes to the next underground station at a normal pace, from there the U5 goes directly to Alexanderplatz in 30 minutes. The owners were both very friendly and showed us everything. Water, electricity and a possibility to dispose of the waste is available, there are no sanitary facilities, but should be in the motorhome :) we would choose this parking space again at any time, both because of the advantages mentioned above, but also because of the really cheap price.

  • Denes Szerdahelyi

    Denes Szerdahelyi


    Not full service, but suited us fine. Available water and electricity, grey and black water discharge, and decent WIFI (though it was slow in mid afternoon). For 15€ it's a great short stay.

  • Rodina Kundrákova

    Rodina Kundrákova


    Great place, where we made a stop on our way from Ruegen to CZ. Silent place, kind owner and everything you need when travelling with recreational car (Wohnmobile). Few minutes by bike to U-Bahn and you can spent a nice day in Berlin as we did. Thanks!

  • Arnold Bromanov

    Arnold Bromanov


    Turned away a hungry, thirsty, exhausted hiker and acted rudely towards me when I was sitting opposite the entrance gate looking for somewhere different to stay

nærmeste Rv park, camping

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