Vogt Physio i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandVogt Physio


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35, Max-Beer-Straße, 10119, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 52657891
internet side: www.vogt-physio.de
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Latitude: 52.5267048, Longitude: 13.4085468

kommentar 5

  • es

    Letizia Luperini


    Gracias a David pude volver a caminar. Menos de 3 meses despues de una fractura de femur estaba hiking sin muletas. Lo maximo!

  • Karin Kannegieter

    Karin Kannegieter


    I underwent shoulder surgery (rotator cuff/ bicep tendon) and required intensive physiotherapy post-op. I feel like I hit the jackpot with David. My situation was assessed quickly and a treatment plan put in place. Apart from being skilled, competent and thorough, David is very aware of the holistic situation that can effect a client, not just "the shoulder" but how that can impact other aspects of ones life. I always felt great trust in Davids treatment and his attention to client safety , comfort and of course his encouragement and to persist with homework. After the concentrated exercises and work is done, he is also a good laugh.

  • Scott Savarie

    Scott Savarie


    I came to David with acute pain in the middle of my spin, caused by tightening of my back muscles. I really appreciated David's holistic approach to finding the source of the problem. After several sessions my back felt much better and I could continue exercising on a regular basis as I had before the pain appeared. Aside from great results, David is an all-around enjoyable person to be around and his office has a very comfortable atmosphere. Would definitely recommend him!

  • Karim Sultan

    Karim Sultan


    I needed surgery after I fractured my shoulder in an accident. Physiotherapy and the right exercises are very important for a good recovery. I can highly recommend David as he helped me a lot with that - especially with the mobilisation and with useful advice regarding the necessary exercises.

  • Ste Fan

    Ste Fan


    I came to David with some pretty severe lower back pain that had been a recurring problem for a few years, within 10 minutes of the first session he had found the root of the problem and by the second session it was entirely fixed. It's been over a month now and I've had none of the problems I used to experience, the pain is completely gone. He's very genuine guy, there was no quackery involved, just a deep understanding of human physiology. Would recommend!

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