physio+therapie c79 i Berlin

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Tysklandphysio+therapie c79



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79, Choriner Straße, 10119, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 44308414
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Latitude: 52.5319398, Longitude: 13.4064888

kommentar 5

  • Peter F

    Peter F


    Very friendly and competent team. In the meantime I have been receiving treatment for various problems for years and the problems were dealt with professionally every time and I was given very good help.

  • Anna Trunk

    Anna Trunk


    Kristin and her team are the best physiotherapists I've had so far. And I say this after 3 years of suffering after a cruciate ligament rupture that did not heal for a long time and because of which I had many other complaints (crooked posture, resulting foot and calf problems, as well as back pain). I was treated by Kristin herself for a total of 1.5 years, but also occasionally (I think a total of 5 times in the whole time) with her colleagues when she was away. I always found it particularly great how the girls coordinated with each other so that I didn't have to tell my story every time. Otherwise I would like to emphasize that Kristin was always fully present and with her thoughts with me as a patient when I had my appointment. She tried a wide variety of approaches and never tire of dealing with my complaints in as much detail as possible and thinking about where everything comes from and how it can be permanently fixed. I was also very convinced of the exercises to do at home. As I said, after two rehabs and already 3 physiotherapists I had already experienced a lot and I have to say that now that I have moved from Berlin for work, it was difficult for me to find a comparable physio. Keep it up girls!

  • Alina Wernick

    Alina Wernick


    The best physiotherapy praxis I have visited. I had difficult knee surgery and the therapy I received here made a huge difference for the recovery. All therapists are highly competent, professional and nice, and treatment consistent and well-planned. Last but not least, the setting is pleasant and calm.

  • Lisa Lambert

    Lisa Lambert


    Fast appointment, beautiful practice, great therapists. I felt very well looked after my injury at physio + therapy. After a KnieOp I was treated very well and was quickly fit again. Thank you!!!!

  • Christine Hesel

    Christine Hesel


    Quick and easy contact and appointment. Very friendly and professional appearance. Impeccable care in practice and assignment of individual "homework" for the time between appointments. ABSOLUTELY recommended. A great team!

nærmeste Fysioterapeut

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