Physiotherapie - Sandra Voigt i Berlin

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TysklandPhysiotherapie - Sandra Voigt


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44, Straßburger Straße, 10405, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 48492028
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Latitude: 52.5306463, Longitude: 13.4142433

kommentar 5

  • Ufo Nero

    Ufo Nero


    I had several appointments with Mrs. Voigt because of an advanced hip osteoarthritis. She immediately concentrated on the essentials and was able to help me very well. I now have less pain and better mobility. Your treatment gave me the strength to work actively to improve my symptoms myself. I got an appointment at very short notice and follow-up appointments were also easily possible. As described above, she treats several patients at the same time, but I noticed very positively that she always knew all the names and complaints immediately without looking at the file. I think it's very well organized.

  • Raminta Blinstrubyte

    Raminta Blinstrubyte


    Sandra seem to be extremely rude and impatient. Also felt like a nationalist who started yelling on me after a session when I gave her my paper for physiotherapy from a doctor. Sayin she is doing a favor for me as an ousländer. (Excuse me? If I'm not german then the paper changes its color or walidation so my german insurance pays for it?) Then she gave me the papers back and was yelling that she cannot take it anymore. I tried to ask her to listen to me for a second because I didint do anything or even said anything. Really my german is not as good so I just was aking what to do next and when is my next appointment. I assumed it was an missunderstanding. But she kept pooring all her owerwhelmness on me. So I had no chance to bring the situation to some kind of manner or understanding or some kind of professionalism. She also speaks in English but she refused that as well. 🤦 They way she works is: she takes 4patients at once if not more. The session takes an hour or 1,5. But the actual time she spends on you is 10 max 15minutes because she is running to all her patients back and forth. Which creates a little stresful feeling when you are there and she is all ower the place. So no wonder she had to scream with no reason. Also she was not ready to give me the treatement because her warming pads were not warm yet so i had to go to a coffeeshop for half hour. She didint say anything that she would be sorry or anything as well. Which I'd be fine if she wouldn't have screamed on me after the treatement. I am sad for such an experience, I really didint do anything to her so she would have a right to yell at me and run out of the room. Really. Im a peaceful person and feel lost and super unfair in this situation. I dont recommend it unless you are willing to deal with her rudeness and unpleasant presence. Though I assume she does the work good. But everything else is outdated and unacceptable. The feeling counts as well so if you add this to the experience then maybe its not such good service she is giving even if she has knowledge. I felt the same also when I went to her the first time about the rudeness of hers but decided to gave it another chance. Well. I am going elsewhere.

  • Maren Michaelis

    Maren Michaelis


    I don't understand how you can be so rude and brazen. I can't say anything about their therapeutic abilities, because that didn't happen. Ms. Vogt called me back after 3 days and already reported only with Vogt (without physiotherapy) and was already brisk because I didn't immediately figure out who she was. She suggested an appointment in 10 days, even without asking how I had time. I just said: oh so late? Instead of saying: yes, nothing is free beforehand, she said extremely snappily: Find someone else! And I only: Wow! A busy schedule doesn't justify this behavior. Such people shouldn't be in customer contact.

  • Franziska Alexander

    Franziska Alexander


    I was there with my daughter and she could help her. I would always recommend her

  • Jens Christopher Spranger

    Jens Christopher Spranger


    After a fall in football I was sent by my doctor to the practice of Sandra Voigt and already at the first session I was very well helped. Immediately I felt much better and was told plausibly which steps should follow. It was absolutely outstanding that I felt the attention and the way to hear and hear of Mrs. Voigt. In the end, not only were the consequences of the fall cured. In fact, my body feeling has been sustainably and fundamentally improved!

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