PROGEDO Relocation Agentur Berlin, Visa & Immigration Competence Center i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandPROGEDO Relocation Agentur Berlin, Visa & Immigration Competence Center



🕗 åbningstider

20, Neue Schönhauser Straße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 491 785923994
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.524478, Longitude: 13.406289

kommentar 5

  • Yılmaz Uğurlu

    Yılmaz Uğurlu


    Excellent!. I had my initial visa and later on my blue card with the help of Progedo. They were extremely prompt and responsive. In the early corona times, they took care of my residency permit without any hassle. All of their team members kind and responsive to all of my questions.

  • Arjun



    I've used Progedo multiple times now and they've always delivered in a timely manner. Nothing but good things to say about their team!

  • Clóvis Neto

    Clóvis Neto


    Excellent service, they respond on time and taking care about any bureaucratic stuff that is needed from the immigration services. Really recommend their service.

  • Darshika Sharma

    Darshika Sharma


    They have been an immense help in making my move to Berlin smooth. They took care of everything, from Visa processing to residence permit, to getting me sorted with everything required to start off in Berlin. Even in difficult times with the Covid situation, they coordianted really well and got the residence permit. Thank you for all the help and support!

  • Karan Gupta

    Karan Gupta


    Anything related to immigration can be a challenging topic - especially in a place like Berlin, where such issues tend to be a bit more complex and bureaucratic. PROGEDO far exceeded expectations for me - they were always extremely professional, communicative, and managed to quickly solve all issues that I faced in securing my Blue Card. Highly recommended. Special thanks to Lydia and her team for the constant support!

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