Klavier Flügeltransporte Alexander Neubert i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandKlavier Flügeltransporte Alexander Neubert



🕗 åbningstider

24, Torstraße, 10119, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 2479432
internet side: www.klaviertransporte-berlin.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5278, Longitude: 13.4128

kommentar 5

  • Forte & Piano

    Forte & Piano


    Very bad and definitely not recommended. Ruthless and dangerous driving style. Run over a red pedestrian light, then honk me and the passenger stretched out his finger. I recorded the horn concert and fingers on video. You can imagine how the keyboard instruments are handled when the employees do not care about human life and then make fun of people without a crumple zone with their fingers stretched out.

  • hau di

    hau di


    Can not complain. Experience makes a difference. As a piano transporter in Berlin certainly not top!

  • Samuel Fritzsche

    Samuel Fritzsche


    We had the colleagues engaged in the move my aunt and can declare this point on the aftermath as absolute top prize. Fast, uncomplicated, binding and very careful in dealing with customer objects. Happy 5 stars.

  • Christian Adler

    Christian Adler


    Mr. Neubert and his team were totally professional and reliable. On time, no scratches and a reasonable price. Really recommended, if you are looking for a reputable piano transporter! Gladly 5 stars :-)

  • Daniel Gerdes

    Daniel Gerdes


    Solid and reliable. No complaint. Mr. Neubert and his team have just delivered clean and punctual work. Keep it up!

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