Prodevart GmbH i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandProdevart GmbH



🕗 åbningstider

21, Unter den Linden, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 20924282
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5166207, Longitude: 13.3897757

kommentar 5

  • Onur Kaçmaz

    Onur Kaçmaz


    Georgiy from Prodevart was really helpful during my relocation to Berlin. He answered all of my questions as fast as possible, helped me with the application for the visa, showed me really good houses and managed the handover process professionally. I'm really glad working with them.

  • Rakitha Perera

    Rakitha Perera


    Prodevart is the best place to do the relocation service. Georgiy is very knowledgeable person and their service is great! They have done my ZAB process and always there to help me with the matters come across during my relocation period. It's very easy to communicate with them and very trust worthy. I highly recommend them as your relocation agency.

  • sally salem

    sally salem


    Georgiy gave me a great support during the relocation and even after I arrived, he was always available all the day and he removes obstacles before you ask.

  • Nick Milnes

    Nick Milnes


    Georgiy was really helpful in helping me to relocate to Berlin from the UK, he helped with the admin (forms, queues, appointments, bank etc). He is a welcoming person with great English and German skills. Without I can only imagine my move to Berlin would have been a nightmare. The company has helped a few in my workplace and I have only heard great things. Thank you Georgiy!

  • Ersen Tekin

    Ersen Tekin


    Perfect support from the team! There are full of helpful people and finding an apartment was so smooth :)

nærmeste Flyttefirma

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