Kanuverleih Finowfurt am Wasserwanderrastplatz i Schorfheide

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandKanuverleih Finowfurt am Wasserwanderrastplatz



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2, Erzbergerplatz, 16244, Schorfheide, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 160 93337942
internet side: bootsverleih-schorfheide.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.8458901, Longitude: 13.6813501

kommentar 5

  • der andere

    der andere


    A wonderful place to relax ... What the students did there is really great ... the facility is clean, the sanitary facilities are clean and tidy ... thanks to the kids ... keep up the good work continue to have so much fun with it ...

  • Steffi Grossnick

    Steffi Grossnick


    The water hiking rest area is run by young people who were very polite and courteous. The place is small, cozy and clean. Nice, quiet location.

  • Leonie Großnick

    Leonie Großnick


    The staff were always very friendly and helpful, and the sanitary facilities were clean. This little place of peace is definitely to be recommended, whether alone or with the family.

  • Alexander S

    Alexander S


    Due to Corona, the club is only open until 5 p.m. Called 5:30 p.m. and someone came by immediately to hand over the keys to use the toilet and shower. Quiet water hiking rest area small but nice. Therefore 5 stars from us. Important: it is not a luxury campsite but a club area. Gladly again

  • tiefseesurfer



    Thumbs up: we stayed here by boat in summer 2020. Clean toilet / shower, nice staff on arrival / departure central but quiet we liked it. We would come back

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