Landhotel Gut Haidt i Hof

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandLandhotel Gut Haidt


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123, Plauener Straße, 95028, Hof, Oberfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9281 7310
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.3389523, Longitude: 11.9479798

kommentar 5

  • K. Fritz

    K. Fritz


    Average. The girl at check in was nice, but the ones at breakfast were questionable. How do you expect to run a hotel if you dont understand basic english. Breakfast was terrible. Due to covid, we had to preorder the food and that was no good at all. We ordered toast but didnt get it, and when we commented on this, they came back with a stale piece of bread instead. The butter was so small it could fit on a toothpick. The sugar to our coffee was missing and when we asked for it, the first waitress didnt understand the word sugar, so she said yes and went to get the other waitress. And she then just grabbed it from the table next to us, like lets all just share the virus. Stupidity at a high level. Clean rooms though.

  • Marcin N

    Marcin N


    I recommend. The rooms very spacious and very clean, friendly service and delicious breakfast

  • DomiiKing Herzog

    DomiiKing Herzog



  • Andreas Felbinger

    Andreas Felbinger



  • One World 2 Travelers

    One World 2 Travelers


    Nice hotel located near Hof: friendly staff, lovely service and familiar atmosphere. Quiet and clean rooms, but bath was a little bit too small. Breakfast was really good. Wi-Fi and parking garage with no extra cost. Hotel was easy to find.

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