Hotel Central Hof i Hof

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHotel Central Hof



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2, Kulmbacher Straße, 95030, Hof, Oberfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9281 6050
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.3204265, Longitude: 11.9041503

kommentar 5

  • Raul Damian

    Raul Damian


    Very friendly and professional service even during night and Covid times. I had to book at night, but it was no problem. Rooms are big and very clean. Internet works pretty well.

  • Bernd Schellenberg

    Bernd Schellenberg


    Still the best in hof

  • ullas arora

    ullas arora


    I stayed at Hotel Central during a business visit. Very nice hotel in this region. Rooms are very comfortable and spacious. Restaurant serves great food, Lamb is a must try and very delicious breakfast. There is ample parking space within the hotel premises. Staff is very friendly and courteous, I requested for a water kettle and the lady at reception immediately provided me the kettle and even offered to deliver tea mug later. There is even a spa and sauna at the hotel but I didn’t try that. I would highly recommend this hotel.

  • Multi Vendi

    Multi Vendi


    Rooms are dated, this place need renovation. When you book make sure you dont get stuck in old section! The hotel will not tell you. Then ask you for upgrade fee$$

  • ArGo



    Pleasant stay. Had to change from an another hotel to this hotel and made a right choice. Courteous staff, comfortable rooms, amazing service, steam bath, sauna, Panaromic pool. Will definitely recommend and come back if had to visit Hof again.

nærmeste Spa

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