Hotel Strauss i Hof

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHotel Strauss


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31, Bismarckstraße, 95028, Hof, Oberfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9281 9720630
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Latitude: 50.3141528, Longitude: 11.9157833

kommentar 5

  • Sander van Vliet

    Sander van Vliet


    By reading the reviews I found out that some of the rooms are fully refurbished, so for that reason I was interested in booking this hotel. And indeed, the refurbished rooms are looking good, clean and some of them have a proper television. The bed is comfortable, but with a length of 2 meters a bit too short. There is a mini bar available as well with/for drinks or other snacks. Rooms service is offered on a daily basis, staff is friendly but a woman at the reception can be a bit stressed. Due to covid there is no breakfast buffet, so when you arrive you will give up your preference and the time you want to have the breakfast. The WiFi in the hotel is really really bad, so if you rely on that, don't come here. They have a beer garden as well and a proper restaurant.

  • M i c h l . !

    M i c h l . !



  • Velimir Nedev

    Velimir Nedev


    Old, but we'll kept place. The interior could be improved, is clean, quiet, Comfortable beds and bathroom. Nice staff

  • Roy Cottingham

    Roy Cottingham


    Good food, beer, clean rooms and friendly service. What more do you need ?

  • Adrianna Nalecz

    Adrianna Nalecz


    Hotel was ok. Clean, big room and comfortable. Location very good and also the city offers many attractions and places for eat. Continental Breakfast good. Parking reserved. Great minus for the missing air conditioning. It was very hot in the room and hotel and opening the windows helped a little bit but it was enough noisy.

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