Hackescher Markt i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHackescher Markt


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10178 Berlin, Germany
kontakter telefon: +49
internet side: sbahn.berlin
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Latitude: 52.5226613, Longitude: 13.4022971

kommentar 5

  • Bryan Zeb Mansfield

    Bryan Zeb Mansfield


    Great place for meeting friends

  • Lachezar Sh

    Lachezar Sh


    Yes, transportation is happening here, 5 stars, will come back when I need transportation again

  • PSAW LLC kana

    PSAW LLC kana


    One of the best flea and food market in the world. Nice spot to take pictures. Small but comfy place close to central Berlin. If You want to experience scaled market this place doesn’t fit.

  • Sascha B

    Sascha B


    The worst coordinated station of all Berlin. It’s basically the Bermuda triangle for trams. You think your tram comes in 3 minutes? Ha! Think again, it will disappear from the board and arrive 13 minutes later. Goodbye plans, goodbye life, goodbye toes (If you happen to strand here during winter).

  • Eyal Soreff

    Eyal Soreff


    Hi Google maps team (couldn't find any appropriate way to contact you about it), there is a separate station for the M1 line heading to Mite. It's about 3-4 minutes walk, on Rosenthaler st. It's very confusing and took us some time to realize that. Please edit this, so other people will avoid the disappointing experience of looking for a tram that won't show up. Thanks!

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