Berlin Oranienburger Straße station i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandBerlin Oranienburger Straße station


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10117 Berlin, Germany
kontakter telefon: +49
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Latitude: 52.5250659, Longitude: 13.3922004

kommentar 5

  • Jasch Zacharias

    Jasch Zacharias


    An diesem S-Bahnhof haftet noch die Patina aus Vorkriegszeiten. Ein moderner Fahrstuhl wurde am Eingang in der Tucholsky Straße eingebaut. Die Straße selbst ist durch die Schließung des Tacheles und der Fotogalerie im Postfuhramt ein wenig zu einer Vergnügungsmeile mit Bars, Kneipen und Restaurants vornehmlich für Touristen geworden . Highlights sind die Synagoge und die Heckmann-Höfe.

  • Somos lagente

    Somos lagente


  • en

    User Google


    I stayed here with two friends in January and really enjoyed my stay. The location was ideal, it was close to several public transport stations and within walking distance of the main train station. I stayed in a private three bedroom room, and it was very clean if a bit small. There was one single bed and one double which we didn't know when we booked but that didn't matter to our group too much. Only one elevator in the place and it was quite small. My only complaint was that during the evening when me and my friends were getting ready for a night out one of the staff knocked on our door, we didn't answer because they didn't announce themselves. They knocked twice before opening the door with no warning! We got the fright of our lives! Now the staff member didn't have that much English so we couldn't properly communicate that we didn't open the door because we didn't know who it was or what they wanted. We had assumed it was other guests being playful and knocking on doors as they passed. That really compromised our feeling of safety for the rest of our stay. Wouldn't be back because of that incident. Otherwise good location, no on site bar, but there was a hostile a few buildings down with a late night bar and plenty of young people, and plenty of bars along that road.

  • de

    Dirk Steeger


    Ein sehr schöner Laden an der Oranienburger Straße mitten im Herzen von Berlin . Das Essen , insbesondere die Pizza und Pasta sind sehr zu empfehlen . Die anderen Gerichte sind gut , aber man merkt , dass die Kernkompetenz doch auf den Italienischen Produkten liegt. Preise okay. Wir haben uns sehr wohl gefühlt .

  • Ouassim Fari

    Ouassim Fari


    Nice station

nærmeste Transit station

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