Fischerinsel Apotheke i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandFischerinsel Apotheke



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18, Kleine Gertraudenstraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 76771844
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Latitude: 52.513466, Longitude: 13.405364

kommentar 5

  • Kim B

    Kim B


    Very friendly and helpful service. Knowledgeable staff. Good selection.

  • Marion Hrte

    Marion Hrte


    Very nice and competent staff. Due to the proximity to my job, I would like to submit my prescriptions there and receive my own medication at the latest the next day. Highly recommended!

  • Mon Cherie

    Mon Cherie


    Great service and very friendly staff! I always like to come back here to redeem my recipes.

  • Kate S.

    Kate S.


    So I can only contradict the last post. I have been a customer in the pharmacy for years and no matter who serves me, I am always extensively and above average friendly advice. Although I find the prices relatively expensive in direct comparison to online pharmacies or pharmacies in other districts, but I like to take such a great workforce in purchase :) Thank you for the service!

  • Markus Frank

    Markus Frank


    Rip off! For our highly allergic child we need vital and very expensive emergency medications with a shelf life of 24 months. The syringes are used in an allergic shock. This means that we stock up on several places (school, grandparents, etc.) and have to replace the syringes every 24 months. The island pharmacy, however, has delivered us long-lasting syringes with only 8 months shelf life! For us, this short shelf life means we have to buy a new set for many hundreds of euros in March. We asked the pharmacy for an exchange, which we were denied. Running this business on the back of a sick child is dubious and unbearable. We will report this behavior to the Chamber. Customers should consider carefully whether they want to entrust their health to this pharmacy. A star is one too many!

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