felmo mobiler Tierarzt i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Tysklandfelmo mobiler Tierarzt



🕗 åbningstider

18, Charlottenstraße, 10117, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 31196542
internet side: www.felmo.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.508412, Longitude: 13.392476

kommentar 5

  • Ronan Le Guennec

    Ronan Le Guennec


    Extremely satisfied. Really nice vet, She answered all my questions and was great with the cat. I would totally recommend her and book an appointment with her in the future.

  • Julia Doria

    Julia Doria


    Easy to schedule, there are always dates available and every vet that has come has been extremely professional. Besides being great with my dog, their humanity and willingness to understand what you have to say is what draws me back every time. My dog can get pretty anxious with vet visits, and every single time they have come to our apartment, she has had a good time. They’re really there for you and your pet, and show you that. Thank you Doctors for the great help!

  • Julia Kramer

    Julia Kramer


    Very fast reaction (someone was here in one hour, it was an emergency) and reasonable price (they don't charge you for coming to your house, only for whatever they actually do). Definitely recommend!

  • Lili Liang

    Lili Liang


    We got an appointment very quickly. Frau Dr. He Gong was patience, professional, and understanding. Having a good vet make a home-visit reduces so much stress for my Loki, a 8 weeks-old Kitten. Thank you all, Frau Dr. He Gong and her nice colleagues!

  • Melanie Baur

    Melanie Baur


    What an amazing service! We used the felmo app for the first time last week and we were totally amazed with the professional, caring, and fast service provided by the felmo team. We were able to get an appointment with the vet within just a few hours. Even better, notes from your vets visit, medication information, and other important tips, can all be found in the app. You can even chat with the vet in the app. Dr. Noffke definitely earns 5 stars for sure! I highly recommend this app. :)

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