BEZIRKSapotheke am Roten Rathaus i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandBEZIRKSapotheke am Roten Rathaus



🕗 åbningstider

5, Rathausstraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 27583083
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5199918, Longitude: 13.4111592

kommentar 5

  • tango tango

    tango tango


    Incompetent employees and poor service. I cannot recommend this place.

  • Pascal L (Passe)

    Pascal L (Passe)


    Great service, competent and always friendly

  • André S

    André S


    Thank you for the friendly and competent advice. After several negative experiences in other pharmacies when trying to get FBB2 masks for 60+, I felt very welcome here. This makes it easy for you to come back.

  • Ksenia Shestakovskaia

    Ksenia Shestakovskaia


    Such nice English speaking and competent stuff. Once they even served home made donuts! Love this little farmacy

  • Jamie “Jay” Juliet

    Jamie “Jay” Juliet


    The staff here were wonderful, the person I mainly spoke to was called Jana (sorry if this is wrong!). She was so helpful and went above and beyond to ensure my fiancée got the medication she needed. I cannot thank them enough after a chaotic morning. English was impeccable and I was understood from the get go. Even remembered me the next day, showing genuine compassion.

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