Dr. Kai Peterlein i Gotha

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandDr. Kai Peterlein



🕗 åbningstider

1, Bertha-v.-Suttner-Platz, 99867, Gotha, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3621 853607
internet side: www.zahnarzt-peterlein.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.9498983, Longitude: 10.6985828

kommentar 5

  • Johanna Hille

    Johanna Hille


    So today I went to the emergency dental service because of a very severe toothache with a fever. The doctor didn't greet me and came across as very unfriendly and didn't show a bit of empathy, just like the nurse at the counter who didn't say hello or any other word. I didn't feel like I was being taken seriously because I wasn't really spoken to or examined properly, and I've had very good experiences in this regard in other facilities. I was really very disappointed about it and would therefore not recommend the practice to anyone. Unfortunately I can't give 0 stars because unfortunately you have to give one in order to rate it. Otherwise I would give it 0 because it was really awful. I read the reviews from the other patients beforehand, which actually alleviated my fear a bit, but as previously described it was completely the opposite, so unfortunately I can't share the opinion and the good rating with the other patients - it really scared me a lot .

  • Detlef Balthasar

    Detlef Balthasar


    Very competent dentist! Friendly assistants! Just very satisfied 👍

  • Marcel



    Very friendly and helpful dentist. Was there without registering because my dentist was on vacation. Was treated competently after a short wait.

  • Andrea Muller

    Andrea Muller


    Very nice doctor who works very professionally, is always very friendly and always has an open ear, even for anxious patients like me.

  • Hobby Game Developer

    Hobby Game Developer


    I'm very satisfied ! A high level of care and sensitivity as well as clearly good specialist knowledge characterize this dentist. I have rarely experienced so much competence! With many other dentists I felt more like a workpiece to be processed whose concerns and wishes had to be ignored. Refreshingly, this is not the case here. LG.

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