Zahnarztpraxis Dr. med. Beate Greiner-Stöffele i Gotha

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TysklandZahnarztpraxis Dr. med. Beate Greiner-Stöffele



🕗 åbningstider

3, Schöne Allee, 99867, Gotha, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 3621 25376
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.9454541, Longitude: 10.7130878

kommentar 5

  • Nicole Ma

    Nicole Ma


    Great dentist! The waiting times, if you have to wait at all, are super short. Everything is dealt with in detail and great advice is given.

  • M 25

    M 25


    Top I'm very satisfied, the appointment worked. Treatment was flawless, everything was taken into account. I can recommend it to anyone who needs a dentist.

  • Ingrit Lange

    Ingrit Lange


    I have been visiting the practice for a year now and am being treated by Mr. Wieczorek. Mr. Wieczorek attaches great importance to the well-being of his patients and represents a true craftsman when it comes to the aesthetics of the teeth. After my first “emergency visit” on a Saturday, it was clear to me that I should seek a change of dentist due to the immediate assistance and competent treatment so that I could continue to attend future dental appointments without pain and almost fear. By the way, I've never had the opportunity to look at the waiting room because I can/have to keep my appointment exactly to the minute😁

  • Ramona A.

    Ramona A.


    What happens – sudden toothache, vacation coming up and no option to see a previous doctor. When I was looking for a treatment option, I was given an appointment straight away by phone. Competent and friendly advice from an assistant doctor awaited me on site. I can happily confirm that the treatment was pleasant, sensitive and largely painless. Likewise, a calm and quality-conscious way of working. I found it interesting how friendly the doctor was with the staff. I was also impressed by the ability to schedule appointments as quickly as possible to complete necessary treatments. This shows that the practice has good appointment organization. As a patient, I feel like I am in good hands. We recommend!

  • Denny



    “You should go to the dentist often so that your teeth stay healthy and you don’t have to go to the dentist so often.” In the practice of Dr. Greiner-Stöffele receives good all-round care right from the start...and not just in the treatment room. Parking spaces are available directly at the house free of charge, making an appointment is easy and, above all, without waiting. You get the impression that the entire team only has one goal - treating the patient in the best possible way. In particular, it should be emphasized that unscheduled additional services are also offered without directly addressing them. As a person with normal teeth, you hardly keep an eye on what your own health insurance actually offers... Conclusion: The friendly smile of Dr. Greiner-Stöffele is definitely contagious.

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