Classik Hotel Alexander Plaza, Berlin i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandClassik Hotel Alexander Plaza, Berlin


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1, Rosenstraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 240010
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Latitude: 52.521648, Longitude: 13.404264

kommentar 5

  • Larissa McCurrie

    Larissa McCurrie


    The location is great, we really liked our room and we found the staff (mostly) friendly and helpful. But we had a few problems like our room key stopped working for our room and for the sauna. We asked at the reception for them to allow us to use the sauna - they hadn't actually allowed us entrance even though they said they had so we had to ask again. Room cleaning is only available on request due to the pandemic. So, we requested this service but iur room was not cleaned. We had to ask multiple times before it was done. We expect more from the 4 star Hotel. We also had to pay to leave our luggage. We're a little disappointed because we stayed there before and we also had problems with our room key not working the last time, but we thought it was just a one-off technical issue.

  • Oscar Perez Ruiz Diaz

    Oscar Perez Ruiz Diaz


    Nice hotel in a good location. Let down by the housekeeping service. Clean rooms and good size but got awaken by the housekeeper twice in one morning when the shouldn’t knock on your door. Shampoo missing refills and snacks as well. No instructions how the kettle activates. Small details to fix in order to be a real 4 stars.

  • dan cooper

    dan cooper


    Very well located, I had a misunderstanding with the staff at breakfast, but the manager was very kind and helpful and fixed everything. I wasn't keen on having to fill a form in for our breakfast, but that's a minor complaint. All in all they are very helpful and friendly, and even got sausages especially for our breakfast, which is quite amazing.

  • Lizette Bernuy

    Lizette Bernuy


    Pretty rooms, personal is amazing. You guys have to test the Cocktails from the bar. A very good place to stay in Berlin.

  • Jan Kolousek

    Jan Kolousek


    It was a great stay here and I really enjoyed it. I was really happy with Claire, she was so great and kept us entertained all the time. Great person and a big heart. Will miss her a lot.

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