Hotel Indigo Berlin - Centre Alexanderplatz i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandHotel Indigo Berlin - Centre Alexanderplatz



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5, Bernhard-Weiß-Straße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 5050860
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.5238955, Longitude: 13.4172048

kommentar 5

  • Amjad Iqbal

    Amjad Iqbal


    Indigo hotel is a nice place to stay, I found all staff co operative, helpful and friendly. My room was also great because of outside view. In nutshell, stay with Indigo worth in the heart of Berlin. Amjad

  • Fake_ King

    Fake_ King


    Booked 3 nights , stayed only 2 night. I asked if one night can be canceld. I was told that is not possible due to reason it was too late and they can not re- sell the room anymore. According do the the receptionist they actually have 2 - 10 customers a day (covid), compared to a 100 customers per day before. Honestly I feel the answer I did do not match up at all.

  • Elias & Eliza Guderian

    Elias & Eliza Guderian


    The stay was OK. The rain fall shower did not have enough pressure. The TV didn't allow you to use 3rd party gadgets due to hotel own software. If you're a light sleeper, it's recommended to choose a room that is directed to the inside of the hotel not the street side because of the tram that is running until late at night. Despite of all these things, the staff was friendly.

  • Anthony Hodgson

    Anthony Hodgson


    The staff here are really really nice, they were excellent with all of their Covid restrictions and it felt very safe. The room was nice, the bed was comfortable and the shower in particular was excellent. Great value for money, I would certainly return, the only mark down is that the breakfast is quite expensive.

  • Christopher Martin

    Christopher Martin


    Decent sized room for one. Pleasant helpful staff. Under current Covid-19 situation, rooms are being serviced by every 2 days

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