Hotel Zoe i Berlin

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TysklandHotel Zoe


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6-7, Große Präsidentenstraße, 10178, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 21300150
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Latitude: 52.5231032, Longitude: 13.4008545

kommentar 5

  • Lindsay Kern

    Lindsay Kern


    The room was clean as was the bathroom. No carpet. Only a tiny bedside shelf on one side but there are outlets on both sides of the bed (used a suitcase as a bedside table). Rooms had thermostats but it was still a little warm inside (visited in April). I would stay here again - nice staff and very convenient location.

  • Lauren Hill

    Lauren Hill


    Couldn't have picked a better located hotel for our trip! Friendly and really helpful staff. And a perfect Gin bar

  • Etienne Forbes

    Etienne Forbes


    I had a great stay here at Hotel Zoe. The lobby, the rooms, the lounge and the bar are all very sleek and sexy. The rooms have dark wood flooring, dark paint and sexy lighting. The bathroom is immaculate and incredibly clean. The room had just the biggest bed in the room. The television is on the wall in an interesting piece of furniture. The WiFi is free and simple to use and certainly fast enough to do work and stream movies. The location can't be beat if you are planning on touring the city. Situated in Berlin Mitte, you have easy access to transportation that will quickly take you to all of the sights. Great shopping and food is literally seconds away walking out the hotel. I would recommend considering this hotel for your stay!

  • Justin Campbell

    Justin Campbell


    Great staff, very nice room with a large shower. I was upgraded to this larger room for €10 extra. However the breakfast was unimpressive! Dry old fruit in the bowl, no fruit salad, cheap croissants. Just a very average breakfast. I would stay again if I could get a good deal. I paid €74 on hotel tonight app.

  • Jack Higham

    Jack Higham


    Really friendly staff at reception. Hotel is in a great location near a station with great links around the city and close to some Christmas markets (we went in December). Rooms was small but perfect for use while exploring the city. Clean hotel and a good overall finish. Would definitely recommend

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