Wüstenrot Bank AG Pfandbriefbank i Ludwigsburg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandWüstenrot Bank AG Pfandbriefbank



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1, Wüstenrotstraße, 71638, Ludwigsburg, Stuttgart, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 441 2212700
internet side: www.olb.de
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Latitude: 48.8838573, Longitude: 9.1901738

kommentar 5

  • Pfu Mic

    Pfu Mic


    The switch from Wüstenrot to OLB was absolutely useless ... furthermore automated processes without reason. BSP: account has already been closed by me, but my employer is informed about the new IBAN even though Wüstenrot was no longer a salary account. -> no salary payment possible.

  • michael spaeth

    michael spaeth


    The worst thing I've ever experienced with banks, has not known for 2.5 weeks, which is my account balance, transfers are not possible, online access is not possible. No one on the hotline available, A case for consumer protection. It could not be worse, keep your hands off this bench !!!

  • Karl Klues

    Karl Klues


    Hello, after the change to OLB Bank on 01.12. is my old account gone, I can not reach the new, the hotline is for 2 days no one ran (overloaded) and my e-mail answers no one. Conclusion: I do not know where my money is? Many thanks

  • Markus Antonius

    Markus Antonius


    ATTENTION WARNING! I would not have thought it possible with such a large company, but fraudulent practices (with fake signatures, etc.) are actually tolerated and promoted by dubious advisers (acting on behalf of Wüstenrot). Confronted with the suspicion, it does not even show understanding, but denies responsibility (not to speak of empathy or an apology) ... it is unbelievable and can not be put into words! My personal warning - stay away from everything called "Wüstenrot".

  • Sam Andeul

    Sam Andeul


    Very profitable. The shareholders want cash. Once a solid building society, where jobs were safe, but was like many financial institutions through mergers to a pure "profit-maximizing company" transformed. Very sad for the staff. The remaining customers should think carefully about what they do with a financial investment in this company. I would not recommend anyone with a clear conscience to go to Wüstenrot, especially since the interest rates you get there are not very good either. As you are at the Volksbank or Kreissparkasse much better off.

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