Sparda-Bank Baden-Württemberg SB-Filiale Kornwestheim i Kornwestheim

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandSparda-Bank Baden-Württemberg SB-Filiale Kornwestheim



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Mandagåben 24 timer
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Torsdagåben 24 timer
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4, Bahnhofsplatz, 70806, Kornwestheim, Stuttgart, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 711 20063802
internet side:
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Latitude: 48.8630287, Longitude: 9.1812915

kommentar 5

  • Tolga



    A catastrophe Counter broken again and again Bank statements can no longer be left out online banking simply works as a juice shop as the mood takes you

  • Hallo Hallo

    Hallo Hallo


    A fee of 60 euros per year and the branch is closed

  • Robin



    The branch was closed, there are only the machines but no more advice.

  • Chris



    When I wanted to withdraw money on December 27, 2017, an ATM was broken, and another one could not be withdrawn because it was empty. Comment from the lady at the counter, "the technician is informed." You could or did not want to withdraw money at the counter either! This is a service ....

  • Cess Outdoors

    Cess Outdoors


    No too many banks around they are like every bank high rates always asking for 20% down! There is other ways to get a Mortgage! When I walking a bank you are supposed to say hello to me not the other way around,it is call customer service!

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