VR Bank Bamberg-Forchheim, Kundenzentrum Forchheim i Forchheim

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandVR Bank Bamberg-Forchheim, Kundenzentrum Forchheim



🕗 åbningstider

39, Hauptstraße, 91301, Forchheim, Oberfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9191 6170
internet side: www.vrbank-bamberg-forchheim.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.7192996, Longitude: 11.0588583

kommentar 5

  • Louis Gregorio do Carmo

    Louis Gregorio do Carmo


    I have been with VR Bank in Bamberg for many years and have never been disappointed; my wishes and concerns have always been taken care of immediately. I would particularly like to praise my advisor Kim Baumann, a very nice and friendly advisor. I can only recommend the bank.

  • Martina Reuter

    Martina Reuter


    Everyone can have a bad day, but unfortunately it has happened to me more often now that when you enter the customer area of ​​the branch on the main street and greet the employees present (which I think is common decency, at least that's how I feel). learned), is neither heeded nor noticed, nor greeted back. I don't even expect that from employees who have customers at that moment, but I do expect employees who are standing around and chatting to at least show that they have acknowledged the customer's presence. And I also expect that if you are noticed after a certain time, you will also be addressed in a friendly manner and asked in a friendly manner about your concerns. But that no longer seems to be good form in this branch, or perhaps there is no longer any need to value your customers. And the word service provider with all its facets unfortunately receives little attention here. In any case, this has happened to me and my daughters several times now.

  • VeaPro Beats

    VeaPro Beats


    Catastrophe every time the online banking pin is blocked out of nowhere and you can no longer access your money. And no, I didn't enter it incorrectly too often. The account will definitely be terminated

  • EVV B (Vanessa Ziegler)

    EVV B (Vanessa Ziegler)


    I have moved very far away but still need to be there in person for some things... driving 100th of kilometers for small things is not possible!!!! And you are not allowed to go to other branches

  • Sven Nuspel

    Sven Nuspel


    As part of my move, I opened my accounts here. My advisor is friendly and honest. The rest of the staff is also friendly. Concerns are taken seriously and addressed personally. I always feel welcome and in good hands here.

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