Veterinarian and cattery i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandVeterinarian and cattery



🕗 åbningstider

4, Conrad-Blenkle-Straße, 10407, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 42085005
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.52815, Longitude: 13.45026

kommentar 5

  • Monika Finzel

    Monika Finzel


    Very good practice were super satisfied with treatment and advice for our two new family members the practice is highly recommended

  • Shera A.

    Shera A.


    The vet is great with the animals, she is super nice. She doesn't speak English but one of the nurses is fluent. They were professional and helpful in answering all my questions, they also gave my cat treats which was super sweet! I highly recommend this practice, it is relatively small but everyone was nice, professional, respective and helpful.

  • Bianca Lächelt

    Bianca Lächelt


    A very great team and also very empathetic to the patients and the owner. Both with my 1st tomcat and with the 2 follow-up kittens. We really enjoy coming, even if not always voluntarily on the part of the patients. 😁

  • Benjamin Albrecht

    Benjamin Albrecht


    I have been going to the practice with my dog ​​and cat for years and can only recommend them. The whole team is always friendly and in a good mood and tries very hard. We feel in good hands

  • Samantha Ramirez

    Samantha Ramirez


    They care so much about pádme my dog and the take they time to explain with details I love it there. All staff are lovely and very professional.

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