Tierarztpraxis Dr. Peter Vogel i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandTierarztpraxis Dr. Peter Vogel



🕗 åbningstider

22, Frankfurter Allee, 10247, Berlin, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 30 29776835
internet side: www.drpetervogel.de
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 52.5150774, Longitude: 13.4587411

kommentar 5

  • Jorge Kageyama

    Jorge Kageyama


    Took my sick kitty there , they sent me to a animal hospital because they couldn't help. They ordered a cab, and didn't charged me anything because they couldn't treat my cat

  • Omnia



    The doctor was super nice and the staff were as well. He is my little baby's doctor now.

  • Daniela Stolpe

    Daniela Stolpe


    Ein super sympathisches und kompetentes Team. Dr. Vogel nimmt sich immer Zeit und geht sowohl auf Tier als auch auf Mensch ein. Wir gehen seit 7 Jahren mit zwei Möpsen, unseren Kaninchen und Meerschweinchen in seine Praxis und fühlen uns bestens betreut. Die Hunde freuen sich sogar auf jeden Arztbesuch. Und das soll was heißen! 😊

  • Marianne Matyash

    Marianne Matyash


    Professional and friendly

  • Golsa Na

    Golsa Na


    Best Doctor ever, he is the doctor of both of my babies (Cats) since they were born, the place is very nice and they really take care of your loved ones, he explains everything very well and always give you options to choose from, overall totally recommend him, they speak both english and german so you are in great hands

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