Uni-Café-Ristorante Unckel i Tübingen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandUni-Café-Ristorante Unckel



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17, Wilhelmstraße, 72074, Tübingen, Tübingen, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 7071 252061
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 48.526329, Longitude: 9.0616302

kommentar 5

  • Flóra Horváth

    Flóra Horváth


    We ordered 3 biers and after 20-30 minutes we left the place because the people who got there way after us, got their orders before us.

  • Priscila Sena

    Priscila Sena


    Good food, good prices, nice people. Definitely recommend it!

  • Tom



    Before it had 4 stars now I give it 5. They already were good but now become even better. Lovely place. Worth spending some relaxed time in there plus satisfying food.

  • メイアMeia



    Cozy place and the environment is quite good for meet up and dining. The dining area and WC is clean. Pizza is better than pasta. Standard food quality with reasonable price, came here for Sunday lunch set, you get a pasta, a bowl of salad, choice of coffee and a soft drink (or beer) at 8 euro. But pasta's portion is not balanced. The overall service is good. It would be perfect if they provide a credit/debit card payment and free Wi-Fi. It is too bad and too old-fashioned for a good restaurant/bar in Tübingen.

  • Giuliano Armenante

    Giuliano Armenante


    Fake Italian restaurant with disappointing pizza and low quality pasta, which attracts mainly students. Prices are higher than one would expect. Location is nice though, especially if you sit outside.

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