Kado-Ya i Tübingen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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1, Doblerstraße, 72074, Tübingen, Tübingen, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 7071 6399222
internet side: www.kado-ya.de
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Latitude: 48.521776, Longitude: 9.058735

kommentar 5

  • Sevag Gharibian

    Sevag Gharibian


    This is the first time I have had good sushi in Germany. It's not the best I've ever had at this price point, but still very good, would come back again.

  • Jennifer Tufts

    Jennifer Tufts


    Normally the Sushi was always good and fresh at that place, but our last visit disappointed us. The Sushi did not taste fresh and the service was not good - even though the restaurant was almost empty.

  • Dave Hegarty

    Dave Hegarty


    Excellent sushi, excellent atmosphere, excellent staff. Not cheap, but worth it.

  • Soulimane Kamni

    Soulimane Kamni


    I love the sushi and the way is served. The dessert was extremely delicious. Es war sehr lecker.

  • Tübi Tübi

    Tübi Tübi


    I spent way too much money here - it's not cheap, but it's so delicious I keep coming back, and I overeat every time. We have never paid less than 100 euros as a couple, usually 120+. Every time we come here with the intention of ordering the big plate and nothing more, but end up ordering more anyway. It's too good, impossible to resist.

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