U Potsdamer Platz i Berlin

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandU Potsdamer Platz


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10117 Berlin, Germany
kontakter telefon: +49
internet side: bvg.de
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Latitude: 52.5094625, Longitude: 13.3788177

kommentar 5

  • Zohra Mousavi

    Zohra Mousavi


    U2 Pankow station looks like this for now

  • Leander Menezes

    Leander Menezes


    We came here wanted to catch the U-Bahn to Zoologischer Garten. However, the platform that served trains going in this direction was completely walled off for some reason. As a result we had to catch a train to the next station in the opposite direction from the remaining platform, in order to catch the desired train to Zoologischer Garten :( Aside from that, lovely station :)

  • Ankit Dua

    Ankit Dua


    S+U Potsdamer Platz is located in the middle of Berlin.The station is very big connected with S-Bahn ie, S1, S2, S25, S26.Under this station there is an adjoining station for bullet trains and RE.Not only this there is a big mall also connected with S Bahn that is called Cinemax and a beautiful view of Sony tower in this mall.U Bahn is also connected in this line, but not directly, Trains from U Bahn station directly goes to alexanderplatz and Pankow.

  • J J

    J J


    Hard to get into this stop, as it is not connected to the S Bahn that is located nearby.

  • Barbes Rocherchouart

    Barbes Rocherchouart


    Located next to a big mall in a busy area. The U bahn and S bahn stations aren't connected underground and have to use different entrance points located few hundred metres apart.

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