Schäfer,Toto-Lotto, Stationery Store i Erlangen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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TysklandSchäfer,Toto-Lotto, Stationery Store



🕗 åbningstider

56, Dorfstraße, 91056, Erlangen, Mittelfranken, DE Germany
kontakter telefon: +49 9131 9166899
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 49.58964, Longitude: 10.9685

kommentar 5

  • Herbert Karl

    Herbert Karl


    Ich kann die negativen Bewertungen nicht nachvollziehen.Personal O.K.und das Sortiment ist umfangreich.Gibt weitaus schlechteres.

  • DerName BleibtUnbekannt

    DerName BleibtUnbekannt


    Very friendly staff. Manageable little shop as you know a lottery pool. Staff on the phone very friendly and courteous. There is also a DHL post office in the shop itself.

  • Mikrop



    Cant say anything bad about the shop. I also found the staff to be really nice. For me a normal lottery / stationery store with a post office. What I think is very good is that there is pipe tobacco there. Even if the offer is manageable, it has become very rare.

  • Benno Vetter

    Benno Vetter


    NOTHING works here - not once the phone number stored in the WEB is correct!

  • Linda Lindwurm

    Linda Lindwurm


    Absolute juice shop. Toys at eye level but my daughter is not allowed to touch them. Queues due to incompetence of the staff. Absolute disaster. I mean the post office, not the stationery store. The man is great.

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